Haha, Steve Yegge rants about Javascript, both good and bad. I liked the bad part about it. ;)
But my God, it’s *sooooooo* ugly. It’s got well over a decade of ugly packed in there. “Hello, World” in Mozilla is six or seven files in as many different languages. I kid you not. It’s worse than Hello, World was back in the Petzold days of Win32 programming. You have your XUL file and your JavaScript file and your CSS file and your manifest.rdf and your i18n.something and I can’t remember what all else. And then you have to build them together (using some other files) to make even more files: a JAR file and an XPI file at a minimum. That’s one gnarly-ass introductory program. ¹
Reminds me of some of the problems I had with J2EE... See 2005-04-19 Software.
#Software #JavaScript