2006-09-08 Subscribe to Blogline Searches

How do you know when other people mention your name, your software, or your project? Not all of them will send you mail or post on your blog.

At WikiSym 2006 I saw that EugeneEricKim had an entire BlogLines folder only dedicated to searches. If you check my blog roll, you’ll see the same. I am currently subscribed to three searches: My name (except for my sites), Oddmuse (except for the Oddmuse site), and WikiSym (except for my site).



Too bad that there seems to be at least one Alex and at least one Schroeder among the victims of 9/11. Now I’m getting all sorts of blog entries about 9/11 as a result of my search. Gah. Don’t they know I copyrighted, trademarked, and patented my name!?

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