Who actually uses Technorati? You know, as a user. Perhaps we’re all feeding it with blog posts, and nobody looks at it? A big one-way street.
Today I spent some time creating a Technorati account, claiming my blog (which has a rank bigger than half a million or something), fiddling with Javascript fragments and CSS to hide the result, etc. Somehow it feels like a waste of time.
Looking at the data, there’s an additional weirdness: There seems to be a big hole within my “most recent posts”: No posts between 2005-04-13 Israel and 2006-07-23 What to play. How weird.
When I checked their list of popular tags, I saw: Israel, Lebanon, Bush, Hezbollah, Microsoft (?), Iraq, Sex (always popular, I guess), War, and Middle East.
I then decided to browse through the posts tagged "Israel" and was shocked to find that most of them seem to be supporting the attack on Lebanon. And I was even more shocked at the number of references to the end of days! I liked this comic strip: The Rapture Is Not An Exit Strategy.
The Rapture Is Not An Exit Strategy
At least I found an official Swiss statement against Israel’s agressions in the Near East (available in English ¹ and German ²), where the Israeli attacks are called out of proportion and some of the measures taken in Gaza are called by their true name: forbidden collective punishments. They also write that Israel has clearly not taken the appropriate measures to protect civilians as required by International Humanitarian Law.
International Humanitarian Law
I got the link for the above statement by the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs from a TelePolis discussion of what the movie Munich tells us about Jewish values. ³ This reminds me of what I had read about the movie before; see 2006-01-29 Movies with statements from EI and Avnery.
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