I’ve been playing *Oblivion* for hours. Today’s highlight was entering a dungeon, stirring up a group of Goblins my assassin could not kill, fleeing out into the open, having them follow the entire length, and shooting them outside where I could run backwards. The last one was tough and suddenly moved towards the road. An officer was just descending from his horse, drawing his sword, and killed the goblin for me. Ah, I thought... In the next dungeon I killed many Kobolds and finally ended up with something I did not know. It was huge. It was fast. It fought like King Kong. And I lost the fight. So I retried the strategy I had discovered by accident: Provoke the bugger, run like hell, heal while running to recover from the occasional hit in the back, out through the entire dungeon, into the sun, towards the road, down the hill, just follow the road, never look back, until I met more officers at last. But they were fighting a wolf! On I ran, quite a distance, until I finally found another two officers that would kill the troll for me. Wow! I ran back and looted the treasure. Nothing like having the imperial legion watching your back.
Wow, the Unofficial Elder Scroll Pages (UESP) have a wiki, and there’s OblivioWiki. So much information!
(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)
Ich habe mir eben Oblivion für den PC bestellt. Zwar habe ich keinen PC, aber ich habe gelesen auf dem MacBook und mit “Boot Camp” sollte es gut funktionieren.
– Chris 2006-05-21 16:23 UTC
Warum tust du dir das an? Keine Lust mehr, Konsolen zu kaufen?
– Alex Schroeder 2006-05-21 16:57 UTC
Du hast recht: Ich habe das PC-Spiel wieder abbstellt, mir letzten Wochenende einen grossen Fernseher und die XBox 360 gekauft. Oblivion macht sehr viel Spass.
– Chris 2006-05-30 12:28 UTC
Mit dem Gedanken an einen neuen, grossen, flachen Fernseher trage ich mich auch schon herum. Den Wireless Controller finde ich übrigens eine sehr gute Idee... 😄
– Alex Schroeder 2006-05-30 13:13 UTC
Ich sage nur Toshiba, 47” ;)
– Chris 2006-05-31 20:57 UTC