2006-04-19 Copyright

JanneJalkanen links to a blog called Recording Industry vs The People.


Recording Industry vs The People

Here’s what the intro to the blog says:

We are lawyers in New York City. [...] Through the Electronic Frontier Foundation we and our firm have undertaken to represent people in our area who have been sued by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for having computers whose internet accounts were used to open up peer-to-peer file sharing accounts. We find these cases to be oppressive and unfair, as large multinational corporations gang up, in a cartel, to misuse the federal courts and sue ordinary working people for thousands of dollars. We have set up this blog in order to collect evidence and input about these oppressive lawsuits. We hope you will find it useful.

Electronic Frontier Foundation

The passages Janne cites are scary material. ¹


It sounds so improbably, it seems like a hoax.

Here’s some material I found interesting myself:

In response, the RIAA made its most shocking and outlandish arguments to date, claiming that merely having a ’shared files folder’ on one’s computer, and thereby ’making files available for distribution’, is in and of itself a “distribution” and a copyright infringement. I.e., even if the recordings were legally obtained, and even if no illegal copies were ever made of them, the defendant is still guilty of copyright infringement. ²


Anyway, one more reason to support the EFF, even if you don’t live in the USA.

