StephanieBooth talks about Swiss bloggers and asks them to tag their posts about Swiss bloggers with in her Vous parlez de la blogosphère suisse?:
Vous parlez de la blogosphère suisse?
Le public cible pour ce tag est “quelqu’un qui veut savoir où en sont les blogs en Suisse, et ce qui est en train de se passer d’important”.
I’ll try. ;)
Not that I talk much about Swiss bloggers anyway. StefanBucher is probably the only one I actually read regularly – because he is interested in how to write online and how to explain blogs and I guess technology in general to lay people.
#Switzerland #Blogs
(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)
Thank you for the plug. 😃
– StefanBucher 2006-04-03 19:30 UTC