I’ve been trying to find a good answer explaining how FreeSoftware developers might feel when asked why they are not all pooling their efforts, or why they are not helping to conquer the desktop, etc. The kind of reproach that usually implies that hackers are either too stupid to understand the need for usability, simplicity, slick design, or that hackers are too asocial, facetious, or arrogant to care about users.
I wanted to answer, in a diagram if possible, questions such as these:
The open source community needs to push as few cars as possible in as orthogonal directions as possible. If not, all cars will be abandoned. Wiki developers, contact your colleagues working on other wikis and join your forces! ¹
These are, as far as I can tell, the social dynamics of free software.
(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)
Wow, very well done! The “Mom-and-Dad” icons made me laugh.
BTW: Muse is finally getting to the point where MuseContacts could become possible, markup-wise.
– MichaelOlson 2006-03-04 15:09 UTC
Hm, I hope the new stylized moms and dads don’t disappoint you. The dad guy looks less mean is now asexual – no sexual dimorphism in free software social dynamics. ;)
– Alex Schroeder 2006-03-04 19:15 UTC
It keeps growing...
– Alex Schroeder 2006-03-09 10:23 UTC