2006-03-02 Movies

I absolutely loved Me And You And Everyone We Know (2005). Hilarious! The small kid talking about the poop moving from butt-hole to butt-hole. Forever. (!) The crazy woman, shy, and not shy, the crazy dad: “I want to be swept off my feet, you know? I want my children to have magical powers. I am prepared for amazing things to happen. I can handle it.” He so reminded me of LionKimbro! Eventhough I don’t really know Lion. ;)

Me And You And Everyone We Know (2005)


Some nice quotes on IMDB, too. ¹


But facial expressions, tempo, reactions – there’s so much hilarious detail in the script and the acting. I really enjoyed myself.

On a deeper level, of course, the grown-ups all have terrible relationships: One is breaking up, one is lost in a dream-world, one is in love with a dying woman, one is a pervert interested in minors, one is a pervert interested in the poop story... And yet, the children make it all right. The two teenage girls that provoke the pedophile and nearly convince themselves that they want to have sex with him, and then discover, as they run away, that the self-imposed nightmare has been lifted, the little six year old confronting the shit-lover, the teenager being used as a test subject for a blow-job and then discovering his love for towels neatly folded and his neighbour who has a hope-chest full of kitchen utensils... This list distracts from the main point, however: The absurdity of our troubles.
