2005-12-15 Germany Torture

TelePolis reports that German officers were also questioning detainees in Guantanamo and Syria. ¹ The US is not alone. Torture knights all around... And Germany is trying to blame it all on the US instead of doing the right thing and resolving this once and forever.



Remember the report on Spain using torture?

Unlike England’s high court (2005-12-08 England Torture) TelePolis also quotes a policeman as saying that while information obtained through torture may not be used in investigations, these information can be used to defend against danger:

2005-12-08 England Torture


Ähnlich äußerte sich auch der Vorsitzende der Polizeigewerkschaft Konrad Freiberg am Donnerstag im Deutschlandfunk. Für Ermittlungszwecke können solche Verhöre, die möglicherweise indirekt durch Folter zustande gekommen sind, vor deutschen Gerichten nicht verwendet werden. Aber wenn es um eine Gefahrenabwehr geht, seien solche Verhöre nicht zu beanstanden.

How long before we’re allowed to torture suspects to determine whether there is a danger in the first place? And if the victims confess to there being a danger, then obviously torture was the right means to the end.

In another article, they cite the minister of the interior as saying that Germany will use information obtained under torture, that long incarcerations have convinced a lot of people to confess, and he seemed not to object to terrible conditions in Syria prisons.

Welcome to the torture club.

​#Germany ​#Torture