Doc Searls wants to frame the Internet not just as a “pipes” and “transport” in his LinuxJournal article Saving the Net: How to Keep the Carriers from Flushing the Net Down the Tubes:
Saving the Net: How to Keep the Carriers from Flushing the Net Down the Tubes
1. *transport system* (pipes) – [former FCC Chairman Michael Powell speaks about ] consumers” having “rights” to “access” and “attach” to “connections” about which they should have “choices”. In fact, the whole case for “protecting consumers” from bad content and its sources is framed in terms that reify the Net as a system of pipes.
2. *place* (or world) – When we speak of the Net as a “place” or a “space” or a “world” or a “commons” or a “market” with “locations” and “addresses” and “sites” that we “build”, we are framing the Net as a place.
3. *publishing system* – That’s why it has hypertext protocols, “languages” and “formatting” standards. It’s also why we “write”, “author” and “mark up” “documents” called “pages” and “files” which we “post”, “publish” or “put up” so others can “index”, “catalog” and “browse” them.
via LionKimbro on MarkDilley’s homepage on CommunityWiki