
I think I’ll rename this blog to “E-Commerce is Pure Hype”! Today I wanted to increase the coverage of my household insurance from CHF 40k to CHF 60k. Quick, determine the guy’s email address, and send it off. But oh no! There’s no such user anymore. And the emails are not being forwarded. Ok, check the company website. There a form. It is long. They want my policy number *and* my contact details. Huh, doesn’t the one automatically determine the other?

At the end, there was the question: Do you want to be contacted by us? And it asked me to enter either a phone or a fax number. No email?

Suddenly I imagined my mail getting lost in the mess and decided to make a phone call to start with. Done in two minutes.

Email, Web, and happy customers? Forget it. I got the phone number from a piece of paper. Email and web are a waste of (my) time when it comes to (them) making money.