2005-07-02 Cooking

Today I tried some potato curry. This was totally yummy. I guess I didn’t expect it based on the very simple picture and the small list of ingredients... I ate it with rice, but I guess some bread would have been just as well. The interesting thing was the mix of kalonji, amchur, and salt, I think...

So here’s what I did: Peeled, sliced, and cooked potatoes (don’t overcook, they will be fried at the end). In an empty pan, add some oil, kalonji (black cumin, Schwarzkümmel), fennel seeds (Fenchelsamen), and a few curry leaves, and stir. Then quickly add ground jeera (cumin, gemahlener Kreuzkümmel), ground coriander (cilantro, gemahlener Koriander), chili powder, turmeric (curcuma, Kurkuma, Gelbwurz), salt, and *Amchur* (mango powder). Stir some more. Add the potatoes back, and continue stirring. Eat.

My book says that traditionally a semolina pudding is served (recipe included), but I am too lazy to try it now. I think I will go with what I made the last time: A caramelized mass of cream, sugar, crushed almonds with some crushed pistacchios on top.

Since I don’t keep my camera in its dock all the time (I don’t even keep the dock outside of the cupboard!) I’ve been unable to take a picture. This is truly a problem for digital cameras. Damn gadgets need to be charged all the time.



(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)


It’s nice to see you guys trying out new (read Indian) recipes. But I have my doubts. How much of it do you do yourself? Is it Claudia who does all the things? and you just flutter around and try to do a few things (which is of course called a-stroke-of-brilliance) like aadis does.


– V 2005-07-04 11:36 UTC



Haha, you don’t know Claudia yet. She cooks maybe once a year. I do all the cooking myself. 😄

– Alex Schroeder 2005-07-04 12:19 UTC

Alex Schroeder