Somebody asked on
21:03 < tom> 21:01:01 < tom> tarzeau: nein. ich will z.b. "proggie file.txt 123 456 789" und er gibt mir dann die zeilen 123, 456 und 789 der datei file.txt aus
A few minutes later I suggested:
$file = shift or die "No file"; open F, $file or die $!; while (<F>) { $count++; if (grep /^$count$/, @ARGV) { print "$count: $_"; } }
21:09 < kensanata> aschroeder@thinkmo:~$ perl 1 3 21:09 < kensanata> 1: $file = shift or die "No file"; 21:09 < kensanata> 3: while (<F>) {
(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)
just for me to learn some shell scripting:
#!/bin/sh file=${1:?"No File"};shift for linenumber in $@; do echo -n "$linenumber: " sed -n $linenumber' p' < $file done
– PierreGaston 2005-06-30 20:15 UTC