2005-06-19 Software

Claudia got a DVD with some Panjabi music videos on it from her friend. It turned out that some of the tracks had read errors. I mounted the DVD on my SlackWare and found that it was not protected. Good! Copied the files to my harddisk. As expected, one of the *.vob files was damaged. Google lead me to recoverdm, which was easy to compile. Now Iā€™m trying to run*



~/src/recoverdm-0.17/recoverdm -t 30 \
    -i /mnt/cdrom/video_ts/vts_02_1.vob \
    -o vts_02_1.vob

The output looks as follows:

recoverdm v0.17, (c) 2003-2004 by folkert@vanheusden.com

CDROM_SELECT_SPEED: Inappropriate ioctl for device
error at 31006720 bytes, retrying: 1
error at 31006720 bytes, retrying: 2
error at 31006720 bytes, retrying: 3
seek to end...
error at 31006720 bytes, retrying: 4
resetting device...
CDROMRESET: Inappropriate ioctl for device
error at 31006720 bytes, retrying: 5
resetting controller...
error at 31006720 bytes, retrying: 6
Trying RAW read...
Tried reading 6 times, failed doing that. Continuing...

Repeat for all unreadable sectors... šŸ™

Now the question is: Can I burn dual layer DVDs using growisofs? And where do I buy the empty media? šŸ˜„
