Ever wondered what the hell my job is? Well, this morning I was at specification meeting, and this afternoon I started to rewrite the core of a SQL statement for a report. This statement gives me the “detail” numbers per project. What is missing now is aggregating these projects by sales-people and sales-region.
-- Projektleiter pro Projekt SELECT PP.PROJECT_NR, PP.PERSON_NR FROM PROJECT_PERSON PP, PROJECT P WHERE P.PROJECT_NR = PP.PROJECT_NR (+) AND PP.TYPE_UID (+) = 5123; -- Purchase Order Date pro Projekt SELECT PS.PROJECT_NR, MIN(PS.STAGE_DATE) FROM PROJECT_STAGE PS WHERE PS.WEIGHT = 100 AND PS.STAGE_DATE >= TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YEAR') AND PS.STAGE_DATE < ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YEAR'), 12) GROUP BY PS.PROJECT_NR; -- Weight of the Current Stage pro Projekt select p.project_nr, psc.weight from project p, project_stage psc and p.project_nr = psc.project_nr (+) and p.stage_uid = psc.uc_uid (+) -- Permission Fragment AND ((#GLOBAL_MANAGEMENT_REPORTS# != 96800) OR (S.UC_UID IN ( SELECT REGION_UID FROM PERSON_REGION WHERE PERSON_NR = :ORS.nUserPersonNr))) AND ((#GLOBAL_MANAGEMENT_REPORTS# != 84253) OR (P.PROJECT_NR IN ( SELECT PROJECT_NR FROM COMPANY_PROJECT CP, COMPANY_PERSON COP WHERE CP.COMPANY_NR = COP.COMPANY_NR AND COP.PERSON_INTERN_NR = :ORS.nUserPersonNr))) -- New statement, unweighted, months -- for projects only, no total at the end SELECT P.PROJECT_NR, P.CODE_NAME, SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(ps.stage_date, 'YYYY-MM'), TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YEAR'),0), 'YYYY-MM'), DECODE(W.WIN, NULL, NVL(L.PRICE, PT.POTENTIAL), W.PRICE), 0)) JAN, SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(ps.stage_date, 'YYYY-MM'), TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YEAR'),1), 'YYYY-MM'), DECODE(W.WIN, NULL, NVL(L.PRICE, PT.POTENTIAL), W.PRICE), 0)) FEB, SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(ps.stage_date, 'YYYY-MM'), TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YEAR'),2), 'YYYY-MM'), DECODE(W.WIN, NULL, NVL(L.PRICE, PT.POTENTIAL), W.PRICE), 0)) MAR, SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(ps.stage_date, 'YYYY-MM'), TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YEAR'),3), 'YYYY-MM'), DECODE(W.WIN, NULL, NVL(L.PRICE, PT.POTENTIAL), W.PRICE), 0)) APR, SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(ps.stage_date, 'YYYY-MM'), TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YEAR'),4), 'YYYY-MM'), DECODE(W.WIN, NULL, NVL(L.PRICE, PT.POTENTIAL), W.PRICE), 0)) MAY, SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(ps.stage_date, 'YYYY-MM'), TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YEAR'),5), 'YYYY-MM'), DECODE(W.WIN, NULL, NVL(L.PRICE, PT.POTENTIAL), W.PRICE), 0)) JUN, SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(ps.stage_date, 'YYYY-MM'), TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YEAR'),6), 'YYYY-MM'), DECODE(W.WIN, NULL, NVL(L.PRICE, PT.POTENTIAL), W.PRICE), 0)) JUL, SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(ps.stage_date, 'YYYY-MM'), TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YEAR'),7), 'YYYY-MM'), DECODE(W.WIN, NULL, NVL(L.PRICE, PT.POTENTIAL), W.PRICE), 0)) AUG, SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(ps.stage_date, 'YYYY-MM'), TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YEAR'),8), 'YYYY-MM'), DECODE(W.WIN, NULL, NVL(L.PRICE, PT.POTENTIAL), W.PRICE), 0)) SEP, SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(ps.stage_date, 'YYYY-MM'), TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YEAR'),9), 'YYYY-MM'), DECODE(W.WIN, NULL, NVL(L.PRICE, PT.POTENTIAL), W.PRICE), 0)) OCT, SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(ps.stage_date, 'YYYY-MM'), TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YEAR'),10), 'YYYY-MM'), DECODE(W.WIN, NULL, NVL(L.PRICE, PT.POTENTIAL), W.PRICE), 0)) NOV, SUM(DECODE(TO_CHAR(ps.stage_date, 'YYYY-MM'), TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YEAR'),11), 'YYYY-MM'), DECODE(W.WIN, NULL, NVL(L.PRICE, PT.POTENTIAL), W.PRICE), 0)) DEC, SUM(DECODE(TRUNC(ps.stage_date, 'YEAR'), TRUNC(SYSDATE,'YEAR'), DECODE(MOD(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'MM'), TO_CHAR(ps.stage_date,'MM')+1), TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'MM')), DECODE(W.WIN, NULL, L.PRICE, W.PRICE), 0), PT.POTENTIAL)) CUR, SUM(DECODE(TRUNC(ps.stage_date, 'YEAR'), TRUNC(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,12),'YEAR'), DECODE(W.WIN, NULL, L.PRICE, W.PRICE), PTN.POTENTIAL)) NXT from project p, project_turnover pt, project_turnover ptn, (select s.project_nr project_nr, min(nvl(s.stage_date,s.planed_date)) stage_date from project_stage s where s.weight = 100 and nvl(s.stage_date,s.planed_date) >= trunc(sysdate,'YEAR') and nvl(s.stage_date,s.planed_date) < add_months(trunc(sysdate,'YEAR'), 12) group by s.project_nr) ps, (select project_nr, user_offer_nr, 1 win, nvl(sum(trunc(nvl(op.price,0),2)*trunc(nvl(op.quantity,1),2)),0) price from offer o, offered_product op where op.offer_nr (+) = o.offer_nr and winning_offer = 1 and o.offer_date >= trunc(sysdate,'YEAR') and o.offer_date < add_months(trunc(sysdate,'YEAR'),24) and o.offer_date = (select max(offer_date) from offer x where x.project_nr = o.project_nr and winning_offer = 1) group by project_nr, user_offer_nr, offer_date) w, (select project_nr, user_offer_nr, null win, nvl(sum(trunc(nvl(op.price,0),2)*trunc(nvl(op.quantity,1),2)),0) price from offer o, offered_product op where op.offer_nr (+) = o.offer_nr and o.offer_date >= trunc(sysdate,'YEAR') and o.offer_date < add_months(trunc(sysdate,'YEAR'),24) and o.offer_date = (select max(offer_date) from offer x where x.project_nr = o.project_nr) group by project_nr, user_offer_nr, offer_date) l WHERE p.project_nr = w.project_nr (+) and p.project_nr = l.project_nr (+) and p.project_nr > 0 and p.project_nr = ps.project_nr (+) and p.project_nr = pt.project_nr (+) and pt.year (+) >= trunc(sysdate,'YEAR') and pt.year (+) < add_months(trunc(sysdate,'YEAR'),12) and p.project_nr = ptn.project_nr (+) and ptn.year (+) >= add_months(trunc(sysdate,'YEAR'),12) and ptn.year (+) < add_months(trunc(sysdate,'YEAR'),24) AND P.PROJECT_NR = 515000000 group by P.PROJECT_NR, P.CODE_NAME / -- TEST DATA --> sql fragment for testing: AND P.PROJECT_NR = 515000000 -- create potentials delete from offered_product where offer_nr in (select offer_nr from offer where project_nr = 515000000); delete from offer where project_nr = 515000000; update project_stage set weight=0, planed_date=null where project_nr = 515000000; delete from project_turnover where project_nr = 515000000; insert into project_turnover (project_nr, year, turnover, potential) values (515000000, trunc(sysdate,'YEAR'), 30000, 40000); insert into project_turnover (project_nr, year, turnover, potential) values (515000000, trunc(add_months(sysdate,12),'YEAR'), 35000, 45000); --> now CUR should be 40000 and NXT should be 45000 -- create a non-winning offer for this year insert into offer (offer_nr, company_nr, user_offer_nr, status_uid, payment_type_uid, payment_cond_uid, project_nr, offer_date, reg_date) values (offer_seq.nextval, 521000001, 'Alex0', 0, 0, 0, 515000000, sysdate, sysdate); insert into offered_product (offer_nr, product_uid, quantity, price) values(offer_seq.currval, 6401, 3, 333); insert into offered_product (offer_nr, product_uid, quantity, price) values(offer_seq.currval, 6402, 6, 333); --> since the project stage is not set, this should still return 0 for the current month! -- create project stages select * from project_stage where project_nr = 515000000; update project_stage set weight = 50, planed_date = sysdate + 10 where project_nr = 515000000 and uc_uid = 1059; update project_stage set weight = 60, planed_date = add_months(sysdate,1) + 10 where project_nr = 515000000 and uc_uid = 1060; update project_stage set weight = 100, planed_date = add_months(sysdate,2) + 10 where project_nr = 515000000 and uc_uid = 1061; --> now the data for the current month +2 and for CUR should be 3*999=2997 update project_stage set planed_date = add_months(planed_date,-3) where project_nr = 515000000; --> now the data for the previous month should be 3*999=2997, but for CUR it should be 0, because it is in the past update project_stage set stage_date = add_months(planed_date,3) where project_nr = 515000000 and weight = 100; --> now the data for the current month +2 should be 2997 again, because the reached date is better than planned date update project_stage set stage_date = add_months(planed_date,-12) where project_nr = 515000000 and weight = 100; --> now the stage is not in the current year, therefore the potential should be shown again: 40000 update project_stage set stage_date = add_months(planed_date,1) where project_nr = 515000000 and weight = 100; -- create a non-winning offer for this year insert into offer (offer_nr, company_nr, user_offer_nr, status_uid, payment_type_uid, payment_cond_uid, project_nr, offer_date, reg_date) values (offer_seq.nextval, 521000001, 'Alex1', 0, 0, 0, 515000000, sysdate+1, sysdate); insert into offered_product (offer_nr, product_uid, quantity, price) values(offer_seq.currval, 6401, 3, 111); insert into offered_product (offer_nr, product_uid, quantity, price) values(offer_seq.currval, 6402, 6, 111); --> this is a newer offer, so the data should show 9*111=999 for MAR and CUR update offer set winning_offer = 1 where user_offer_nr = 'Alex0'; --> now the old offer is a winning offer and the data should show 2997 for MAR and CUR -- subselects for debugging select project_nr, user_offer_nr, null win, nvl(sum(trunc(nvl(op.price,0),2)*trunc(nvl(op.quantity,1),2)),0) price from offer o, offered_product op where op.offer_nr (+) = o.offer_nr and o.offer_date >= trunc(sysdate,'YEAR') and o.offer_date < add_months(trunc(sysdate,'YEAR'),24) and o.offer_date = (select max(offer_date) from offer x where x.project_nr = o.project_nr) group by project_nr, user_offer_nr, offer_date; --> returns 515000000, 2997 select s.project_nr project_nr, min(nvl(s.stage_date,s.planed_date)) stage_date from project_stage s where s.weight = 100 and nvl(s.stage_date,s.planed_date) >= trunc(sysdate,'YEAR') and nvl(s.stage_date,s.planed_date) < add_months(trunc(sysdate,'YEAR'), 12) and s.project_nr = 515000000 group by s.project_nr;
(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)
man look at those subselects
– karl 2005-03-08 06:59 UTC
hmm and another comment here.. thinking of moving from usemod to your odd software 😄
– karl 2005-03-08 07:00 UTC
Hehe... Oddmuse rocks. ;) (not being particularly impartial, here...)
– Alex Schroeder 2005-03-08 08:34 UTC