2004-11-12 Software

Subject: Re: What happens to Slackware when Patrick is gone?
Newsgroups: alt.os.linux.slackware
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 09:20:00 +0100

I’m curious, though. What happens to Slackware when Patrick is gone? Is this pretty much a one-guy show? Or are others working with him

You yourself can make it go on. Give it a test:

1. take the initrd from the directory isolinux on the first slackware cd and copy it to your harddisk

2. mv initrd initrd.gz

3. gunzip initrd.gz

4. mount -o loop initrd _mnt_hd

5. take a look at the files under _mnt_hd and you will find, it’s busybox and some setup files in _mnt_hd/usr/lib/setup. You can change them to your needs

6. make your own packages and use the usual makepkg-scripts you can find on slackware.com and mirrors

7. use isolinux to create your own bootable cd
