2004-11-12 Iraq

Riverbend writes:


People in Falloojeh are being murdered. The stories coming back are horrifying. People being shot in cold blood in the streets and being buried under tons of concrete and iron... where is the world? ¹


What can I say? The governments we elected prefer to be the friends of an invading army rather than speak up and take the lightest of actions. Not even the ambassadors are cited to the foreign ministery. What a disgrace.

I found Juan Cole’s blog via her page.

The Washington Post admitted of Baghdad, the capital, “On Wednesday, U.S. forces were assaulted 66 times by gunfire, mortars, rocket-propelled grenades, roadside bombs or car bombs.” ²


Note: That’s *not* Falluja or Mossul – it’s Baghdad.

I feel like we need some big ugly war-trial a few years down the down the road, where every single person involved in this disaster is put to justice.

After reading Riverbend’s new blog entries and following the various links to BBC and Reuters, I have to stop, eventhough my news aggregator tells me that there’s more news from Iraq waiting for me.
