2004-07-11 Books (Switzerland)

Finished reading *Zukunft «Ausländer»* by Marc Spescha, ISBN 3-258-06513-6. A book about Swiss policy towards foreigners.

At least people here start to notice something is amiss. ¹


I was astonished to learn that maybe the huge number of foreigners in this country (20% average, over 40% in Zürich) may be due to xenophobia of the Swiss: In other countries most of these people would have gotten citizenship by now.

After all, there is a *Covenant on Civil and Political Rights* by the United Nations ² that Switzerland signed as well.


I also found that some of these issues have remained unresolved for years. On the UN site, I looked for reports and found the _List of Issues : Switzerland. 25*07/2001* by the *CCPR-Human Rights Committee*. Some quotes:_

It makes we want to cry. Sure, we’re not Tunesia or Syria, but I want it to be *perfect* – as good as possible, no revolting compromises.

Anyway, I recommend the book to anybody in interested in Swiss policy towards foreigners.

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