2004-07-11 Books (Switzerland)
Finished reading *Zukunft «Ausländer»* by Marc Spescha, ISBN 3-258-06513-6. A book about Swiss policy towards foreigners.
- past issues of imigration and emigration – Switzerland used to be a very poor country, young children were sent abroad to work in Germany, young men fought as mercenaries, and this century a lot of Italians came to build the roads, bridges and tunnes across the Alps.
- consequences of migration – brain drain in poorer nations, the need for young people to finance our social security, the need for young people to keep our democracy alive and agile
- people stories from the immigration police – what can I say? The law gives these people a lot of leeway to decide things, and some of them seem not to have a heart at all. >{
- based on the above, derive a few basic rules for a future migration policy
- comparing the treaty Switzerland has with the European Union
- more on the situation and economic importance of the “sans-papiers”
At least people here start to notice something is amiss. ¹
I was astonished to learn that maybe the huge number of foreigners in this country (20% average, over 40% in Zürich) may be due to xenophobia of the Swiss: In other countries most of these people would have gotten citizenship by now.
After all, there is a *Covenant on Civil and Political Rights* by the United Nations ² that Switzerland signed as well.
I also found that some of these issues have remained unresolved for years. On the UN site, I looked for reports and found the _List of Issues : Switzerland. 25*07/2001* by the *CCPR-Human Rights Committee*. Some quotes:_
- I/4. Has the three circle policy for the recruitment of foreign workers been replaced by a dual system? If so, please give details on the operation of the dual system and its compatibility with articles 2 and 26 of the Covenant (see para. 39 of the report).
- I/8. Please comment on the effectiveness, in practice, of measures taken to address the high incidence of violence against women and the preoccupying problem of trafficking in women for forced prostitution (see paras. 66-68 and 102-104 of the report).
- II/11. What measures are taken to ensure that deportation of persons is in compliance with the provisions of the Covenant, at no risk of the person being subjected to torture or any other cruel and inhumane treatment or punishment? Please provide details on the nature, the composition and the functioning of the Appeals Commission referred to in paragraph 113 of the report.
- III/11. What measures are taken to ensure that deportation of persons is in compliance with the provisions of the Covenant, at no risk of the person being subjected to torture or any other cruel and inhumane treatment or punishment? Please provide details on the nature, the composition and the functioning of the Appeals Commission referred to in paragraph 113 of the report.16. Please indicate how the limitation of the right to freedom of movement to Swiss citizens is compatible with article 12 of the Covenant (para. 131 of the report).
- III/17. Please explain how the denial of family reunification for seasonal workers complies with articles 17 and 23 of the Covenant. What steps have been taken with a view to possible abolition of the status of seasonal workers? (see para. 298 of the report).
It makes we want to cry. Sure, we’re not Tunesia or Syria, but I want it to be *perfect* – as good as possible, no revolting compromises.
Anyway, I recommend the book to anybody in interested in Swiss policy towards foreigners.
#Books #Switzerland