2004-07-04 Books

Finished reading *Stunde null in Phnom Penh* by Christopher G. Moore ¹, in a German translation. ISBN 3-293-20260-8. The English title is *Cut Out*. I didn’t like the “Film Noir” aspect of the book – somehow I feel this doesn’t work well for books, eventhough I like it in movies or comics. In books, it goes against “suspension of disbelief” – I do disbelieve. The only reason I continued reading was that the background is one I know. I lived in Bangkok 1989-1991, and there was the occasional shell that landed on Thai territory from Cambodia ², and Prince Sihanouk ³ was going back to his country. I was around 17 at the time and didn’t understand much of it. The book was written after the author, who lives in Bangkok, visited Phnom Penh in 1993. A lot of the background, therefore, is interesting. The Vietnamese, the prisons, the killing fields, Thai psychology... That part I liked.



