2004-04-24 Sudan

Now is the time for the politicians of this world to show that they have learned something from the atrocities in Rwanda. It seems that a similar disaster is unfolding in the Sudan. ¹


We recently documented massive atrocities in Darfur, a large region, about the size of France, in western Sudan. Government troops and government-backed militias are conducting a systematic campaign of ethnic cleansing. They are killing and raping civilians and burning their villages, forcing nearly one million people to flee. Thousands have died, and estimates are that hundreds of thousands more could perish from disease and starvation. The United Nations calls Darfur the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.
[...] We would be grateful for a gift that can help defray the $300,000 we will need to undertake this work. Your contribution will underwrite research in one of the most forbidding regions of the world. Transport and communications are extremely difficult, and hence, expensive. The government is trying to obstruct human rights monitoring. Obtaining information in such a hostile environment is complicated, and requires the sophisticated approach our investigators bring. [...] http://hrw.org/donations/
– Kenneth Roth, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, in an urgent appeal recently sent via email.

