An welche Konferenz soll ich dieses Jahr gehen? *What conferences should I attend this year?*
;2004-03-24 - 2004-03-26: **Web Based Communities**, Lisbon, Portugal ¹ ² – EUR 700. I might try to present something myself, there, being Wiki author and “web-based community founder” myself... ;2004-03-28 - 2004-03-31: **Advanced Software Practice**, St. Neots, UK ³ – GBP 1400. Pretty expensive! But it’s general stuff, with some extreme programming experience, metrics, things that are interesting for my professional life. ;2004-04-24 - 2004-04-29: Conference on **Human Factors in Computing Systems**, Vienna, Austria ⁴ – USD 685 with the early registration. I wonder if their HCI program is going to be good.
ShaeErisson also recommends I take some time off instead of going to a conference, in order to learn Haskell or Erlang (I asked him about that).
Maybe contact LukeGorrie for some Erlang stuff?