2004-02-17 Kosovo

What can we learn from Kosovo in order to apply it to Afghanistan and Iraq? We have to engage ourselves *more* – if we don’t, the “liberated” nations decay into crime and violence. Without the old government, and without a new government worthy its name, there is nothing but anarchy, and as things stand, that usually means organized crime as well as unorganized crime. Basically lots of crime, in fact.

Here’s what TelePolis writes:


Unless the international community takes a good, hard look at Kosovo and comes down from its fence-sitting position, Kosovo may yet explode into the headlines, thereby debunking NATO’s self-proclaimed success in the region. Moreover, it would start to raise some very uncomfortable questions concerning about the concept of humanitarian warfare and nation building. After all, if the west can’t handle Kosovo, then how are they are going to bring peace and stability to places like Afghanistan or Iraq? ¹

