Live roleplaying... Star Wars... For some costume links, see:
And for some laser swords:
Maybe I should join one of these games... I got pointed to a game running in Switzerland, with regular meetings in Zürich! ¹
The Register has an interesting story; title says it all: *Google revives discredited Microsoft privacy policy for Friendster clone*. ²
Later (2004-05-29):
Sometimes other problems happen, too:
Orkut made me appear like a spammer. And worse - big brother is storing you. – ladypine ³
16:13 <xxx> explains: 16:13 <xxx> Invitiation Problems 4/27/2004 16:13 <xxx> We reported on April 1st that a set of mail problems had been fixed. We have now solved an additional set of issues specifically related to invitations. A large number of invitations that we tried to send in the past either were not delivered correctly, or were unusable. We are now resending those invitations. We have attempted to remove the ones for users who did signup with the service, but there will still be some duplicates. 16:14 <xxx> so I guess the invitations that were sent in the above case were amongst those "duplicates"