2004-02-02 Movies

We went to see *Paycheck* today (IMDB:0338337). I donโ€™t like Ben Affleck and Uma Thurman, but I like Philip K. Dick stories. In a way, the movie was very similar to *Minority Report* (IMDB:0181689). Predicting the future, free choice, identity... and similar to other PKD stories such as *Total Recall* (IMDB:0100802)... Identity, memory, messages from your past self, paranoia... Great fun! ๐Ÿ˜„




I always try to avoid getting too caught up in the intellectual problems of time travel and similar ideas, because that just spoiled the fun. When I was younger, it was the other way around. I used to think that not thinking things through would spoil the fun.

Why PKD stories end up as action movies escapes me, however.
