While it was easy to spot cameras twenty years ago due to their large size, this has become increasingly difficult during the last decade. Cameras have become much smaller and consume a fraction of the power they did ten years ago. Due to this, covert installation in nearly any imaginable place is possible. This paper will show methods frequently used for hiding cameras as well as methods to detect and locate covertly installed cameras.
Lovely comment on the Reader Contribution page:
The patent suggests further to integrate cameras concealed by means of this technology into toilet bowls. This is to detect the presence of humans sitting on the toilet as well as the presence of waste in the toilet bowl in order to trigger the flushing mechanism automatically. (Big Brother in the toilet bowl?)
Posted a comment on Tom Coat’s blog ³ regarding architecture. If it is both usable and a piece of art, more power to the architect. Tom Coats was comparing architecture to web design and oversimplifying (I think) by saying that arty web design has been a (usability) failure.
I found an Oddmuse bug concerning the new file format. Argh!