

First we talk about copyright and licensing until I’m practically drained of all emotional energy and I was close to just dropping Meatball, then I started CommunityWiki, and it felt much better; no more frustration with the Meatball CopyrightTrap. My inability to convince people like HelmutLeitner (who keeps on defending his weird notion of *strengthening* community by using copyright which I don’t really understand) and SunirShah (who doesn’t like CopyLeft because it allows the distribution of content even if their authors preferred it not to be distributed, eg. discussions that need reworking) frustrates me, too. And yet I’m starting to feel the burnout again. To much energy spent of going in circles. I think it is time for me to just stop fueling the discussion myself. I should focus on CommunityWiki instead, and actually *write* things. Talk about the stuff I like. In a way, creating a new copyleft wiki was partially motivated by the desire to avoid the drawn-out discussions we’ve been having on Meatball every few months (be it when we talked about the FreeWebsiteLicense, choosing a license when creating a new wiki on SeedPosting, GermanFounderWiki).


Therefore, note to self: Do what you wanted to do all along. Forget the copyright and licensing crud and move on.

Movies and Music

Finished the Nagib Machfus book and ordered three more. Must finish Michae Moore now (it is funny in parts, but somehow reading a good newspaper is better than reading *Stupid White Men*). I also ordered another movie by Wong Kar-Wai, and I ordered some old CDs from Tom Waits. The next books on the reading lists are one about the US, ISBN 3-85869-261, and one about Afghanistan, ISBN 3-85869-260-3. And now I’ll go and watch *Fallen Angels* by Wong Kar-Wai from my MovieList, IMDB:0112913.



Listening to *Swordfishtrombones* by Tom Waits.