Spent too much time at the computer this weekend. More Oddmuse hacking, trying to get rid of hand-written HTML tags in order to move to XHTML eventually – but I failed, because the state machine parser I have doesn’t understand the differenze between block elements and inline elements. This makes it difficult for me to close list elements (place <*li> and tags). I could solve all the other problems, I think, but the list tags elude me. I think eventually I’ll find that my placement is suboptimal, too. Another day.*
I’m expecting to hear about my ShureHeadphones tomorrow... I’m totally excited, eventhough I am no audiophile. I usually don’t buy gadgets; it takes me a long time to decide upon things I will buy. But when the moment comes (and I’ve been thinking about headphones for months, maybe even a year or two!) I feel the thrill of shopping!
Been reading *Beyond Fear* by Bruce Schneier, ISBN 0-387-02620-7. It isn’t as entertaining as I had hoped. Perhaps my problem is that I read his monthly newsletter all the time, the CRYPTOGRAM ¹. So most of the book reads like common-sense to me. But then again I have had weird security discussions with people from work, and I know not everybody shares my views. Hehehe. 😄
Anyway, still got some Oddmuse testing to do...
I think I’m going to apply for a grant, too: To finance translations of the Oddmuse manual into other languages. That would be awesome.
Looked at my referrers ², found stuff by blogalization.org ³, decided to read through it, found some interesting blogs, read some more, visited The Agonist’s blog ⁴ and will consider adding him to my list. Must watch it...
If you ever wondered why Switzerland has the top-level domain .ch, look no further: Confoederatio Helvetica ⁵. It is Latin!
Hm, I registered at http://www.meetup.com/ after readin MeatBall:HowardDean.
I finally found the Chinese character for my mother’s maiden name: 李 – thanks to wctang on http://www.oddmuse.org/
Got the link for *good bug reports* ⁶ from Han on #emacs.