
I bought a new monitor. A very small 15” Acer AL511 ¹ for approx. CHF 350, which is around USD 250. Nice. Away with the old 19” ray-tube. I used 20pt fonts anyway, so I wasn’t really using the high resolution. And I talked to John about small LCD displays being perfectly usable for day-to-day work. We aren’t in the graphics and layouting business, after all.


Listening to *Bhangra* (CD:382150) ².



I bought volume 5 of MantelUndDegen. I really should keep a note of the comic series I read so that I can just go to the shop and buy some new comics without having to worry whether I already have that volume or not. I was trying to figure out wether I had *The Brink of Life and Death* from the UsagiYojimbo series, for example. This is what I *love* about some of the good books in life: There comes a point where you no longer remember the story and you can read it *again*. And you *know* it was good!



And now I need to read *Mantel und Degen* again.

One of Lessig’s posts is pulling at the edges of my brain... Gotta write about Intellectual Property.

Intellectual Property

While experimenting with CSS and the picture layout again, I found more bugs in Mozilla Firebird 0.6.1. But I am too tired to write bug reports. Basically I was unable to have the border:dotted attribute on div.pic:

div.pic { display:inline; border:dotted; }
div.pic table { display:inline; }

The HTML itself looks innocent enough:

<div class="$type">
<tr><td><img src="/alex/pics/$url" alt="$url"></td></tr>
<caption align="bottom">$desc</caption>

Oh well. Leave a note if you know what went wrong. ;)