InformationOverload. Too many mails, tasks, updates, projects... There is a patch to ERC that needs discussion, there are several patches to sql.el that need analysis and merging, there is some WSIS (WorldSummitOnTheInformationSociety) stuff to catch up on, there is some OpenLaw stuff to catch up on, weblogs to read, mails to answer... I think I will just brainfart and eat something instead...
Listening to the new CD by Yuri Buenaventura, *Vagabundo* (ASIN:B00008LORY). I really enjoy Latin American music and Salsa and Batchata. Who would have thought. Gotta learn to dance Tango and improve my Cha-Cha-Cha. 😄
Leafed through an old copy of *Kassandra* by Christa Wolf, ISBN 3-630-61455-8. I read it at the end of highschool; I must have been around nineteen years old. Funny to see the little notes I took while reading it for my German classes. I was looking for the passage where Kassandra wonders whether fighting a war is worth it, if – in order to win – you have to act like your enemy.