
MeatBall:RecentChangesJunkies will have noted my sudden interest in weblogs. I think Joi Ito’s essay woke me up. ¹ At first I was just surprised to find that people like Lawrence Lessig have blogs. Then I noted that Richard Stallman’s homepage is also a kind of weblog. And then I noticed that my own personal homepage, which I had moved to a wiki, was turning more and more into a wiki. So I started asking myself: What is it that drives all these different people to write stuff on the web, and why do these things turn out to be weblogs? There must be something about the human psychology that facilitates it. And furthermore, Joi Ito’s essay reminded me of the fact that eventhough weblogs remain inferior to wikis in the general sense, blogging tools might still be very interesting – to extract what is on the blogging mind.



I also think I should go to PLI ’03. Lemme see what the people at my company think.
