⏱ 20230814
♬ Nirvana - Nevermind
Since the last entry I've been to Colorado, Kansas, Alberta, Texas, Arizona, Illinois, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Iowa, and likely some other states that do not immediately spring to mind. I am going to try and be more regular with the updates moving forward.
We'll see.
I am currently flying to St. Louis but going to be staying and working in Illinois. It seems like it'll be a smooth week, but I don't want to jinx it. I am down to 162 pounds now an I don't find myself eating a lot out of town. The profits from my per diem have increased. I have my GPD Pocket x7 with me. I hadn't been bringing it with me out of town for the past many months since I have my Galaxy Tab S6 with me (mainly for youtube). However, it is the best device for tinkering on my smallnet servers, and it doesn't add a lot of weight to my backpack. This will likely aid in being a more regular updater.