Entered: in vim on gemini pda | Date: 20220515
Emacs 29 was buggy. Touching the screen on emacs 29 resulted in a core dump. I compiled and installed emacs 28 and it works great. I wanted Doom Emacs, so I also had to download, compile, install git 2.5.
I wanted to customize DWM, however, the latest code on
will not compile on my Debian 9 install. I fought it a while, then said fuck it and cloned an older commit. I just wanted to change the tags and colors anyway.
has no installation in the aarch64 repos for Debian 9. It was hard to track down, but I finally found an ARM binary for it that works on the Gemini. I have posted it in the Projects section of RPoD. Since I finally have fbc, I can use my own gopher client:
. I added the ability to download text files yesterday. I will be making modifications to this client since I am able to compile the source again.