Days blend together, nine days of working skate on past, five days off go mach 3... wash, rinse, repeat. Like sedements stacking gradually ending up a mountain, life sneaks up on you.
I had a road trip to northern Wyoming last days off and have been immersed in my Asatru research so have not had a lot of time to devote to the wiki project. Today I successfully wrote a
to suck http(s) and gopher links out of markdown and gopherize them. This is a huge step in having content shared across the protocols. I had already planned on implementing an intermediate page to shared content that linked to the content and also had the list of links leaving that content. I mentioned this was a thing Alex Schroeder does on with gopher/wiki cross polinated site in a post
I am leaning towards organic organization. Links on a main index, and hyperlinks to navigate and explore. No tagging. No extravagant lookup tables or databases... this seems very doable. The auto-link-sucker-gopherizer will come in handy for this.