

When thinking about Saints one of the first things we notice are miracles. We know so many miracles done by them during their lives here. When reading their biographies one may think that they lived in some kind of a fairy tale - miracles popping from left and right. Is this really what makes a Saint? Of course not!

Miracles are *just* signs of being a Saint, signs given by God and *not given to all the Saints*. There are many Saints who have never done any miracle! On the other hand Lord says, that there will be such people, who will have done many signs and who will hear that He doesn't know them. (Mt 7:22)

Gratia gratum faciens

When reading First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians we find in the 13th chapter text saying that *love* is more important than any miracles and any other gifts. That love is "gratia gratum faciens" - grace which makes us holy. That's the biggest gift of all and the most important one. No other gifts are of same importance, since no other gift, not even the greatest of miracles can make anyone a Saint. Those miracles are given only to *prepare* others to recive grace, not to give it to them.

So - if we want to be saints, we need to pray and ask for grace of God, not look for miracles in our lives. Miracles are not the most important - love is!
